introduction in the I forgot if I even made an introduction flavor
• Dec 20, 2024 @ 7:04pm
hi gang I'm thepancaker uhhhhhh
I use like all pronouns or whatever (I have a challenge for u guys I'll post that later)
I'm neptunic eek
I use the words "eek" "chat" and other slightly brainrot terms a lot
if you know me in the real world where grass exists uhhh no you don't shut up
i like warrior cats muahahaha
don't let me ramble about my characters it wont make sense starting in the second sentance
I listen to the song popipo by Hatsune Miku alot and yea
I play dnd (my char is a british 4 foot tall harengon named fiddlesticks eek)
sometimes when I'm texting ill go like "my sincerest apologies original gangsters" and yeah
I also say my apollocheeze instead of apologies sometimes
anyways any questions??
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