band-whiteboard core!! 😭 (plus a rally!)
• Mar 01, 2025 @ 12:42pm
ALRIGHT SO HERES SOME SILLY SHIT THAT HAPPENS DURING BAND WHEN WE HAVE A SUB (this whole entire thing I made last night so yas!) AS SOMEONE WHO IS IN BAND I LITERALLY GIGGLING WHEN ME AND MY GF PUT SILLY SHIT ON THR BOARD 😭 (story time!!: when we had a rlly chill sub in band one time me and my gf were done with our work so we drew on the board, we fr pulled our computers out to draw random stuff, sub didn’t get mad but my band teacher got mad at me and her, I wrote my beautiful signature on there (it’s just Kai in cursive!!) and when we came in me and my gf started giggling……… people in 7th period (my schedule is weird..) drew all around it and my other 2 friends in 7th period drew all their oc’s around our oc’s so it was a GIANT picture of oc’s and when I walked in I grabbed my clarinet and started to giggling SO HARD.. also when we had a rally yesterday one of the admins grabbed the mic and said “AT THE END OF THR GAME KISS YOUR GF/BFS!!” And I started to GIGGLE- I looked over at my gf and was like “can I when the game ends 😭” they were like “sure lol” so I did and my other friend started to giggleeee so yeah it was chaos yesterday!!! Anyway enough yapping tell me abt ur band or just school shit!!
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