guys i wrote a poem its corny but true please listen and help (TW)
• Mar 16, 2025 @ 7:54am
My Life by Kyra Hayward
every night
every day
every evening
i always say
it gets better
way better
but not that
it gets badder
worse and worse
and worse and worse
i keep screaming
my voice is hearse
this is confusing
"Certainly a conundrum!" i say
i pretend to be happy
every night, evening, and day
is it because i'm gay
because i'm trans
because i'm a therian
dysphoria SUCKS, man
let me tell you
at least those who don't deal with it
how bad it is
to want to be something you can't
you hate yourself
day in, day out
you maybe hurt yourself
it hurts, but you can't cry out
in my case at least
your parents dont care
they say all you want is attention
they say as they pull your hair
you say; "Dad stop yelling."
and; "You know I can't handle loud noises.."
"Your 'problems' aren't real" he says
in the loudest of voices
my mother lets him
do whatever he wants
i feel like a slave
i do whatever he wants
my parents make me clean my room
seems normal right?
what if i told you
a poster slightly tilted keeps them up all night...?
everything must be perfect!
"I love my "**son**" so much" mother says
i am not your son, i'm your **daughter**
"**HE** loves **HIM**self too!" she covers up
have you noticed
any sort of pattern
my parents behavior
is like the government's latter
cover it
hide it
throw it away
cry about it
from daddy with love
"You aren't who you want to be" and
"You'll never be who you aren't already"
i know, thats why i'm sad because i'm not truly me
being me sucks
i'm not saying i have it the worst
at least i have a dog
and the food i eat could be worse
even if i have mild anorexia
sometimes i don't want any food
when my dad sees my plate,
he yells loudly; "DUDE..."
you made the food, it's yours
you made the mess, it's yours
maybe if i liked you, i wouldn't mind as much
but my mind... my mind...
my mind doesnt do as such;
i cant think
i cant talk
i won't imagine
i won't walk
sometimes, for no reason
i'm unable to control myself
my arms and legs
they throw things at the shelf
my thoughts invade my life
i'm sure some can relate
and i'm sad there's no one
who'd like to go on a date
you see, i'm pansexual
in case you didn't know what that means
it's like i have the most options
you see?
but still
not one person
loves my shell
this skin, this flesh
take it off, it burns
it moves at random
and its too fragile like a baby bird
my personal experiences
should not affect you
if you hated reading this
i'm apologize, and truthfully too
if this caused discomfort
i'm sorry
forgive me
unlike my mommy
one time when I was four
i found a stick
i gave it to mom and dropped it on her foot
the stick, it did stick
pierced the skin
gave her a splinter
her memory of this
never did hinder
she still remembers
i asked her today
she replied, upset
why'd i hurt her that day?
it was an accident
do you understand
or does your brain have a dent?
i'm so tired
every day when i wake up
my parents always yell at me
mom, dad, shut the hell up
a living alarm clock
how whimsical, oh the whimsy!
i'd prefer a regular alarm clock
one that doesn't verbally abuse me
i see it as a game
between my parents
who can make little kyra
feel the saddest
one time they did compete
on my 2nd birthday
i don't know how i remember it
i think my mom told me one day
my parents went back and forth
talking about my visage
they said terrible things
do they wish i was a mirage
i'm fourteen
i know more than you think i do
i know politics
i know how drugs work too
if someone were to try and kidnap me
i would be able go back home that day
because that person
would look like a fish that got flayed
whenever i'm in public
i carry my knife
for crafty purposes
but also times of strife
i find it fun to make spears
bows and arrows too
maybe if you're my friend
i could gift something to you!
i may be trans
i may be pan
i may be a therian
i may be sadly born a human man
but hey, even with my problems
mental and physical
psychological even
i'm going to be official
every person i meet
i care about
except the ones
who are horrible all about
so i may have dysphoria
i may have a problem with self harm
i may get depression waves
i might even, at 14, be able to drive a car
i may hate myself
i may love someone who agrees with the above statement
i feel like i'm not human, often, really
but look... there's something important
my biology
doesn't change my identity
and my identity
doesn't affect how you should treat me
my name is not (deadname) (dead last name)
my name is Kyra Hayward, though
thank you for reading my stupid vent poem
i leave you with my message above and below
i may not be normal
i may not agree with you
so to everyone who's ever hurt me, mom, dad, fake friends, family, strangers, and certain people
i'm still a person too
i'm just a girl :)
in a beautiful world :)
i love the rain :)
i don't think it's ever caused pain :)
happy birthday! :)
thanks for what you got me today! :)
i'm happy for now
the clouds block the sun
the sun hurts my eyes
like a very cringe-y pun
wow, look it's snowing!
beautiful white specks
looks like something familiar
from when my friend inspects
dust, it's just dust
i need to clean up
i hate my dad
he needs to shut up
i can reach from
the ceiling to the floor
but i don't want to be able to reach
the top of the door
being tall isn't fun
my neck and back hurt
i want to be small
the dysphoria hurts
no offense, but
girls are usually short
i want to be small and cute
not tall and ugly
i'm afraid of one thing
i'm afraid of flying and stinging bugs
i lied.
i'm afraid of some other things, because
i'ts rare for me to make friends
when i have one i really care about them
and when I dated one
all i could think about was losing them
if you're my friend
and i really really care about you
please don't leave
because my note will mention you
i'm sure you don't want the guilt
although if you did that, you wouldn't care...
does anyone care
who can hear me there?
this is just kyra's brain
being stupid as usual
my last brain cell is doing quadrobics
therian stuff, the usual.
i like to have fun
i don't wish to fire a gun
my dad likes to force me
he wants to go to the range with me
it's his fault that i'm scared of this
i'm afraid of wasps
they hurt really bad
it was all his fault
he said this,
and I quote;
"They only hurt you if they're angry,"
"So don't rock the boat."
he pushed me closer to the nest
inch by inch
when all of a sudden
i feel an agonizing pinch
then another,
then another,
i think that i
called for my mother
i no longer trust
that old man
he's crazy
please put him in the can
the reason i joke;
"you're my friend, get in the box"
it's so I don't lose you
i put on many locks
i keep you safe
i protect you and defend you
but some people
take control of all I do
once again,
i may not agree with you
even with my problems and my past
please remember
i'm begging you
remember that i'm a person too
a lot of people like to mistreat me, namely my mother and fake friends, but once again i say, my father does it the most of all. misgendering me and using the wrong pronouns, deadnaming me (but i guess he doesn't know i'd rather go by kyra). at least my parents don't beat me.. I can say that now, but I couldn't say that truthfully as a toddler... My parents would hit me every day since i was going to preschool. if I did anything that wasn't perfect they'd hit me. it did a lot to me. my dad hit me most of the time and it was always 7 times, because that was his lucky number and he thought it meant i'd behave better the next day. one time he hit me 14 times for twice the luck. the last time my parents hit me was when i dropped a plate. it was still usable, only a chunk of the outer rim was broken off. oh no i broke a plate wait whats that OH NO A HAND COMING TOWARD ME?!?! WHATEVER SHALL I DO- **AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH DAD THAT HURT WHYY ITS JUST A PLATE WHAT THE HELL** (look at you dad you made a 13 year old trans-girl cry. you're 43 and doing this shit?! what the hell!)
thanks for reading my vent poem, i'm VERY VERY SORRY if this triggered you in any way. even if it was just the long read, lol /lh
this is kyra hayward and her stupid fucking brain, signing off. Translation: it's 7:30 am and I need to sleep because if i stay up around 11:00 to 3:00 am i get this wave of depression, suicidal/SH thoughts, hallucinations, negative shifts (therian stuff), and its no good i need to sleep!
hooray oversharing i love you guys, gals, and others (/p) for reading my traumatic events!!! there's more i could say but there's too little time to type everything out. just ask if you want to hear that
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