Misgender counter /other bc yeah :P #4 and 5
• Mar 14, 2025 @ 5:48pm
Yo, welcome to day four and five! I'ma start to keep track this week at how many times I get called "this one" "that one" "the other one" or "this thing" in a week! Basically all the ppl around me know I'm definitely not a female but they don't want to assume so they call me that!
(I'm not actually coming out until a couple more months after I get my haircut :3 edit: I'll be getting it in a few weeks during my spring break!!!)
And I also want you guys to keep track here to if you'd like! (put how many times you got misgendered or any other form of misgender you like) I will post a new one every day after I get out of school! And thanks for the experiences you shared! Go ahead and share more if you'd like!
💫Monday💫 - 3 times (favorite one was "DUDE! THAT ONE JUST ATE FCKING GLUE!" check day 2 if you want an explanation lol :p)
🙃Tuesday🙃 - 7 times (maybe more, I lost track. "Wait, where did the other one go? With (girlfriend name)? I swear if they're holding hands again-") I got called one of my preferred names twice tho so that's good!
🤨Wednesday🤨 - 2 times (I accidently isolated myself a lot today so only 2. (I'm fine btw, just wasn't in the mood then) "Yeah, I'ma steal this one to come with me to the homework thing haha.")
🥲Thursday🥲 - 10+ times (I forgot to do this bc I was at a dance) "Did that one just spend 10 or more dollars on (gf name)? Just for a school dance?"
😼Friday😼 - 0 times (I had no school today so no names lol. Only dead naming :c) "Dude, stop calling me the f slur (deadname)!": my brother
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